A lifelong North Carolinian, Gerald Morris is an independent podcast and YouTube channel producer. A lover of film his entire life, his creative outlet to express this passion began in 2011 with a movie review blog and website, “Episodes & Reels.” Gerald now spends most of his time creating videos on YouTube and recording his weekly podcast THE AWARDS GARAGE: Movies & More - which have been active since 2016 (in one form or another). On this show, Morris has a special guest host(s) weekly, and they countdown their top five favorites in select categories (mostly centered around movies).
Aside from trying to watch as many movies as he can, Morris loves spending time with his family, which includes his wife, his two young sons, and his daughter, Madison, who is currently a film student at UNCSA … so the film adoration is seemingly hereditary.
Morris’ favorite film genre is Horror. Favorite actors include Brad Pitt, Reese Witherspoon, Mia Goth, Denzel Washington, and Florence Pugh. His Letterboxd bio says it all, “Movies. Sleep. Repeat.”