Curry Morris is a self-labeled nerd based in Goldsboro, N.C. sharing original content through Curranator Productions on YouTube. "The Curry Review" explores numerous aspects of film/tv including critical analysis, commentary, and fan films. His approach and tagline to criticism is, “always look for the good,” highlighting positives in all cinema while balancing with fair critiques. Curry pulls from his Christian worldview in this approach and has fun all along the way. He pulls from experiences in film school and many years as a videographer and amateur filmmaker. He reviews content ranging from major blockbusters, animation, straight to DVD release, streaming, other genre films and much more. Curry also does deep dives video essay analysis on archive release films. Curry is a huge comic book movie geek, lover of action cinema, big fan of historical epics, and genre films tend to be his biggest interest. He also writes for viralhare.com. He is an open book, always ready to debate/discuss movies, and is on Letterboxd far too much.