Adam Long, movie lover extraordinaire, has been mad about the movies since the tender age of four when, in January 1975, his parents took him to see the Irwin Allen disaster film, The Towering Inferno. Adam began writing reviews for his local hometown newspaper, The Lincoln Times, in 2005 before eventually moving on to other endeavors and, eventually, Focus Newspaper, an alt weekly based out of Hickory, NC. From 2011-2015 Adam served as a co-host of the WGWG FM movie review show, Cinemascene. Adam is currently, since 2014, the Home Entertainment Correspondent for one of the longest surviving movie podcasts, Movie Geeks United. Adam also serves as a co-host and talent interviewer for the show and occasionally hosts virtual cast reunions of classic films which can be found on You Tube and at the Movie Geeks website. In addition, Adam frequently appears as a guest on the local cable show, Meet Me at the Movies with host Noel T. Manning. Some of Adam's favorite films are Blow Out, Seconds, The Other (1972), Summer of 42, All That Jazz, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Paper Moon, Sunset Boulevard and Network.