Laura Boyes is the long time Film Curator at the North Carolina Museum of Art, and programs the Moviediva Film Series at the Carolina Theatre of Durham. She spent 18 years on the selection committee of the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival and 7 years as co-host of Movies on the Radio on the NPR affiliate WUNC; the shows are archived here: https://www.wunc.org/term/movies-radio#stream/0 . Most recently, she served on the selection committee of the Long Leaf Film Festival, and her biographical essay on producer Sam Katzman is included in a Blu-ray box set by Arrow Films. https://arrowfilms.com/product-detail/cold-war-creatures--four-films-from-sam-katzman-limited-edition-blu-ray/FCD2193 She contributed to Rowman & Littlefield’s upcoming LGBTQIA in Film Encyclopedia. She is a member of the CMBA (Classic Movie Blogger Association) and has posted reviews on her website http://www.moviediva.com/ since 1999.