NCFCA Emeritus Member Lewis Beale
I have been the film industry reporter for the Los Angeles Daily News and New York Daily News. I have covered the Oscars, film festivals and industry trade shows; written breaking news and trend stories; interviewed literally hundreds of actors directors, producers and screenwriters; and written nearly four dozen film set stories, on locations ranging from Ft. Smith, Arkansas to London and Mulmur, Ontario.
My film reviews have appeared in newspapers in Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Raleigh, as well as the industry trade magazine Film Journal International. Among the dozens of other major outlets I have written for are The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Variety, Time Magazine, USA Today, Cnn.com and The Daily Beast. I have also taught Entertainment Journalism and Writing About Film at Hunter College in New York, and UNC-Wilmington. And I run film classes for seniors through a program sponsored by North Carolina State University.
I am a journalist, first and foremost, which means I have never asked anyone for an autograph, and the only photo I have ever had taken with a celebrity (I think photos with celebrities are unprofessional) was with king of the nudies Russ Meyer, who I was not writing about at the time, but with whom I had something of a personal relationship.
That doesn't mean I'm not also a fan. You can tell that easily enough from my Facebook avatar, which is Imperator Furiosa from "Mad Max: Fury Road."