Sean McClannahan hails from East Charlotte, North Carolina, the current focal point of gentrification and class discrimination. Born in the Bay Area and raised by an eccentric mom who played a pod person in the 1978 Invasion of the Bodysnatchers and annually portrayed the mountain witch in a local community haunt, her morbid hobbies soon rubbed off on him taste in literature and film. Sean eventually transitioned to San Diego where he got involved heavily in the underground music scene, but his passion for movies never subsided.
Sean wrote a screenplay when he moved to Charlotte and when funding fell through to get it made, decided to write about films in the meantime to get familiar with the independent film community. He began writing for Screen Invasion, Daily Dead, Dread Central and Bloody Disgusting before taking a break to work on another creative project. He’s currently writing for Elements of Madness, while working on his creative projects on the side.