On this week’s Reel Thoughts: Take Five, we engage with new North Carolina Film Critics Association member Anthony Holden to get answers to five questions relating to the world of cinema.
Take One: What was one of your worst film-going experiences and why?
Holden: I was on a date and we went to see The Tree of Life. Now mind you, this was my first introduction to the enigmatic whispery world of Terrence Malick. But we saw the names Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, the then-unknown Jessica Chastain and we both thought “eh, might be a dialogue heavy drama. Let’s give it a chance”. Man oh man. We went from a mournful death, a baby’s birth…to dinosaurs. The exchanged look of confoundment on our faces of what we were watching didn’t stop until the credits rolled. Ironically, today, it’s one of my favorite films and I deeply appreciate it as a beautiful juxtaposition of the beginning of creation and boyhood.
Take Two: Character vs. story … defend one as the most important.
Holden: Character drives story. Story is important, no doubt, but without the right character at the center, story is worthless.
Take Three: What film do you love to hate? Why?
Holden: That’s a complicated question. I don’t “hate” Man of Steel but I certainly don’t hold any type of affinity for it. Zach Snyder’s recent cut of Justice League may help me understand its existence but I still…strongly dislike that film. As to why…all I’m gonna say: *headsnap followed by enraged cry* As if I’m supposed to care Superman killed a man who was bent on the destruction of the human race.
Take Four: Which screenwriter would you want to adapt your life story to the big screen? Why?
Holden: Aaron Sorkin - no question. He could find magic in even the most mundane moments of my life (thus far). He could also create a great triumphant scene out of the moment I learned I was a member of the NCFCA!
Take Five: Is there one film director who always leaves you satisfied? Why?
Holden: Christopher Nolan. I thought hard about this. PTA is my favorite director but…Inherent Vice. Ugh. Every film I’ve seen by Nolan has left me a satisfied camper. Even his most divisive work - Tenet, Dark Knight Rises - left me grinning with at the very least, moviegoer contentment. I know what to expect (terrific, mind-bending, intelligent blockbusters) and what not to expect (100% audible dialogue and great father figures).
*You can find Anthony Holden’s film and TV reviews frequently posted on 8bitwaffles.com. You can also find written reviews on Instagram (@blakcinephile) as well as for the team of “We Are Critix” (@wearecritix on IG).