On this week’s Reel Thoughts: Take Five, we engage with new North Carolina Film Critics Association member Eric Ekwueme to explore five questions relating to the world of cinema.
Take One: Name one film that changed (or impacted) your life. Why?
This one may be the easiest question for me to answer and that’s because it’s the movie that serves as a constant in my life—Jurassic Park, by Steven Spielberg. I’m not exactly sure when I first saw this film, maybe 6 or 7, but I can tell you from the moment I watched it I was instantly hooked. Jurassic Park does not only represent my first childhood obsession, but it also sparked a lifelong interest in how movies can perfectly capture someone’s imagination. As I’ve gotten older, I admire the timeless nature of the visual effects, the score, and the story that doesn't seem to age. Jurassic Park has always been and will probably always remain the most important movie in my life.
Take Two: If you could pair any two acting talents (who’ve never worked together), who would they be and why?
There are probably 15 or so actors that I’m signing up to watch their movies based solely on their being involved. Two of which are Lakeith Stanfield and Elisabeth Moss. Both are charismatic to watch, for very different reasons, and I believe fully commit to whatever role they've taken on. I don’t know, tonally, what this movie would be, but if I could see those two play off each other in a scene or two, I’d be very happy!
Take Three: Name one film genre you’re always drawn. Why?
Mystery. Who-Dun-Its. Psychological Thrillers. The more twisted the mystery at its center, the better for me. I love that these movies force you to submit to the ride and at some point, you have to be fully involved with the experience in order to understand its ending. I also love that moment after the ending is revealed you can turn to whoever’s next to you and say, “I totally knew that was going to happen.”
Let’s be honest, though. We all know you didn’t.
Take Four: If you could cast your life story to screen, who would star as you (you choose the age)?
Michael B. Jordan at whatever age in the future I end up with incredible abs! Ok, let’s go a bit more realistic—I think I would love to see a movie about my late teens to early twenties. The actor who I’ve been very impressed with lately is Niles Fitch from This is Us/ The Fallout. He still has not had the biggest central role of his career, but I think he does a great job at playing that youngish black kid who’s still trying to fully come into his identity.
Take Five: What stories engage you the most in film? Why?
I want stories that force me to see the world from a different perspective. I love being able to see myself represented on the screen, but the stories that pull me in are ones that I would never be able to experience for myself. Women-led movies, created by women directors, have been a particular attraction to me in these last few years as I’ve become increasingly aware that it’s a perspective that’s not of my own and still woefully underrepresented in the prestige movie space.
* Eric is a lover of eating popcorn, drinking in cinema, and running with the ‘Dawgs from UGA.